I actually just found out about this site. I’m very late, I know. I have been reviewing my read books on my website on doodlefondue, but I’ve written it in Dutch language. And because I have signed up on this site, I thought to make it English language reviews. 


I don’t know whether I’ll be keeping this site up to date. My current read for month February - March is thriller and I have a goal of finishing all books written by Nicci French. On my GoodRead account I have a goal of reading 50 books a year. Right now I have reached 16 books, so I think I will be able to reach 50 books. 


I’m curious about BookLikes. But after I signed up, I found out that I automatically followed a few booklikes weblogs and most of them have abandoned their BookLikes accounts, so it’s kind of weird getting them automatically followed while none of them is still active. If only GoodRead has a blog’s feature, i wouldn’t be here.